Monday, 30 March 2020


By Nur Syazana binti Azman

TITLE:                       The Art of Thinking Clearly
AUTHOR:                  Rolf Dobelli
PUBLISHER:           Harper, 2013
In the introduction, the author explains that the book began as his study notes of the works of great thinkers. While the author is not a psychologist, behavioural economist or thinker himself, he has gathered enough to compile a list of common cognitive biases or thinking errors that hinder people from thinking clearly. Thus the final product is a list of 99 cognitive biases, with each concept or idea explained briefly in two to three pages. The book is a helpful summary of the various cognitive biases we knowingly or unknowingly practice in daily life, supported by interesting anecdotal evidence and references to psychological experiments. Various fallacies in logical thinking are explained in simple language, allowing readers to grasp the general concept without needing to read many scientific illustrations. The Art of Thinking Clearly also includes advice and tips that the author uses to think rationally and reduce errors in one’s life. The author frequently credits his friend Nassim Nicholas Taleb and his 2007 book titled “The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable”.

The book is basically a list of psychological fallacies, each supported with relatable anecdotes, psychological experiments or even evolutionary origins. Some of the biases which I personally found to be interesting and worth delving deeper into are:
i.              The Sunk Cost Fallacy: When the costs incurred in the past are factored into decision-making. Ideally, one should only weigh the future costs and benefits in order to make rational decisions.
ii.            Social Loafing: When individual performance is less visible due to working in teams, people tend to put in less effort. Responsibility is diffused in a team, causing people to slack mentally and perform weaker compared to working on the same task alone. This bias is commonly observed in bloated systems like the civil service.
iii.           Confusion between Risk and Uncertainty: Risk means that the probabilities are known. Uncertainty means that the probabilities are unknown. Informed decisions can be made by calculating risks, but the same cannot be done with uncertainty.
iv.           Groupthink, the Calamity of Conformity: In groups, people tend to accept the majority conclusion to avoid contradiction. This bias causes smart people in a group to make reckless decisions, because all members align their opinion with the supposed consensus.
v.            The Paradox of Choice: An excessive amount of options causes inner paralysis and subsequently, poorer decisions. One can never be sure of making the right choice. To overcome this, criteria must be set and followed.

The format of the 99-chapter book requires it to explain each cognitive bias succinctly, which may be unsatisfactory for those seeking an in-depth explanation. The author tries to demonstrate these biases to a certain extent, without delving into the underlying cognitive and behavioural sciences. The book also lacks a central argument or idea but rather acts as a guiding list for newcomers to the field of cognitive psychology. Having said that, it is still useful for readers to identify these cognitive biases which have influenced their decision-making every day. The book is easy to read due to its relatable anecdotes and simple language, and becomes entertaining when we recognise instances of falling prey to these biases ourselves.

The book is a light read, suitable for anyone interested in behavioural psychology. Due to the fact that the book explains cognitive biases in a list rather than in a story format, it may be difficult for readers to retain the book’s insights for long. My recommendation is for the reader to write notes of chapters they find most relevant or interesting, then relate the cognitive bias to their own life. In this way, the reader can consolidate the knowledge and apply it in real life to think clearer and make more rational decisions. Additionally, the book takes influences from other authors and works which may give deeper nuances and more value to the reader. These other works include “The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable” by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman, and "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert Cialdini.


Pasukan Petugas Dasar Perkongsian Data Sektor Awam yang diketuai oleh Bahagian Pembangunan Strategik dan Arkitektur ICT (BSA), MAMPU telah memulakan gerak kerja kajian pembangunan dasar perkongsian data sektor awam bermula pada Februari hingga April 2020. Sehubungan dengan itu, satu sesi taklimat bersama Pasukan Petugas Dasar Perkongsian Data Sektor Awam diadakan bertujuan memberi penerangan mengenai kajian dan pengisian Borang Soal Selidik Kajian Pembangunan Dasar Perkongsian  Data Sektor Awam yang telah diedarkan.

Justeru, Puan Ruziah binti Mokhtar, Timbalan Pengarah BRSA telah menghadiri Sesi Taklimat Kajian Pembangunan Dasar Perkongsian Data Sektor Awam Peringkat MAMPU pada 5 Mac 2020 yang lalu bertempat di Bilik Sinergi, MAMPU.


BRSA telah menghadiri Kursus Strategic Planning Bagi Persediaan Pembangunan Pelan Strategik MAMPU 2021 – 2025 pada 3 – 5 Mac 2020 bertempat di Bilik Serbaguna, MAMPU. Bahagian Perancangan dan Komunikasi Korporat (BPKK) bertanggungjawab dalam menyelaras perancangan, pelaksanaan, pemantauan dan penilaian pelan ini.

Tahun 2020 merupakan lembaran baharu penyediaan Pelan Strategik baharu MAMPU bagi tempoh lima (5) tahun yang akan datang iaitu tahun 2021 hingga 2025. Selaras dengan perancangan bagi penyediaan Pelan Strategik yang baharu ini, terdapat keperluan kepada pemantapan dan pengukuhan ilmu pengetahuan pegawai yang akan terlibat dalam proses penyediaan pelan strategik baharu supaya ianya sentiasa selari dengan kehendak dan aspirasi pengurusan tertinggi dan juga stakeholders MAMPU.


Pada 8 – 10 Mac 2020, BRSA telah menghadiri Bengkel Kajian Foresight Reformasi Sektor Awam bertempat di Hatten Place, Melaka. Sejajar dengan hasrat Kerajaan untuk mereformasi institusi dan tadbir urus kerajaan ke arah meningkatkan ketelusan dan kecekapan perkhidmatan awam, MAMPU bercadang untuk membangunkan satu Blueprint Reformasi Sektor Awam. Bagi tujuan tersebut, MAMPU telah menyediakan draf skop kerja bagi perbincangan dengan World Bank dalam menjalankan kajian reformasi sektor awam.

Draf skop kerja tersebut telah dipertimbangkan di Mesyuarat Pembangunan Blueprint Reformasi Sektor Awam Malaysia yang telah diadakan pada 16 Januari 2020. Mesyuarat tersebut dihadiri oleh wakil Kementerian Kewangan (MOF), Kementerian Hal Ehwal Ekonomi (MEA), Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), Pejabat Peguam Negara (AGC), Pusat Governans, Integriti dan Anti-Rasuah Naional (GIACC). Rentetan Mesyuarat tersebut telah mengesyorkan supaya satu foresight study dijalankan bagi tujuan memurnikan draf tersebut sebelum dibincang dengan World Bank.

Pada hari pertama, bengkel tersebut telah dimulakan dengan perasmian dan kata alu-aluan oleh YBhg. Datuk Seri Dr. Mazlan Yusoff. Selepas itu, peserta telah diberi kefahaman terhadap Understanding the future impact; coping with bigger perspective the megatrends, SDG 2030, & 4th Industrial Revolution.

Pada hari kedua, peserta akan membincangkan setiap aktiviti secara berkumpulan. Aktiviti 1a: Identifying the issues & challenges of reformation components: Finance (F), Legalisation(L) Institution & governance (I), Service delivery (S) Human capital development & Public Institution (H). Aktiviti 1b: Understand the impact of issues & challenges towards current Public service. Aktiviti1c: Populating the scope of changes towards reformation component: What is New, shift & discontinue? Aktiviti 2a: Identifying the external challenges towards reformation components: FLISH Aktiviti 2b: Exploring the influence of external challenges. Aktiviti 2c: Populating the scope of changes towards reformation component: What is New, shift & discontinue? Aktiviti 3a. Looking for uncertainties: zoo of scenario (wildcard/weak signals) affecting the reformation component. Aktiviti 3b: Understanding the implication of wildcard/weak signals. Aktiviti 3c: Populating the scope of changes towards reformation component: What is New, shift & discontinue?

Pada hari ketiga peserta bengkel meneruskan perbincangan terhadap Aktiviti 4: Refining the finding. Aktiviti 5: Prioritisation: Urgent-Important matrix (The Eisenhower matrix). Majlis telah diakhiri dengan pembentangan oleh setiap kumpulan.